
Computer News

drwiii ⸱ May 3
A Link Between Screen Exposure and Autism-Like Symptoms

Compelling theoretical reasons suggest the possibility of a causal link between excessive screen exposure in early life and the development of autistic-like symptoms later on.

"Debian has been a stable base for computing in recent years, although some are concerned about bundling of proprietary drivers." ⸱ drwiii ⸱ Apr 29
Updated Debian 11: 11.9 released

The Debian project is pleased to announce the ninth update of its oldstable distribution Debian 11 (codename "bullseye"). This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems.

"GNOME's awful interface updates seem to be the breaker for these new series of Linux distribution releases." ⸱ drwiii ⸱ Apr 28
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Downloads Now Available

Ubuntu 24.04 is an exciting Long Term Support (LTS) update with this new Linux distribution release being powered by the Linux 6.8 kernel.

"Ms. Lightman, a Century 21 worker, keeps plants on her windowsill." ⸱ drwiii ⸱ Apr 24
War Games (1983) - Raw Corn Dinner scene

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